ORF cDNAクローンを検索してください



  • Entrez Gene ID (e.g. 7157)
  • gene symbol (e.g. TP53)
  • gene name (e.g. tumor protein p53)
  • gene synonyms (e.g. FLJ92943)
  • Ensembl ID (e.g. ENSG0000141510)
  • Accession No. (e.g. NM_000546)
  • 種名は、キーワードの後に ”キーワード[species:$species]” という形式で入力できます。ここで、$speciesは種の名称(ヒトやラットなど)、または分類群id (9606など)を入力します。

さらに検索するには こちらをクリック.

Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) RHO GTPase Effectors (provided by Reactome)

63 gene

The longest variant of each gene is displayed. Click the see gene variants link to see all gene variants.

Gene Symbol Full Name
Frl Formin-like
sofe sister of feo
Pdk1 Phosphoinositide-dependent kinase 1
CG2258 CG2258 gene product from transcript CG2258-RD
Rok Rho kinase
Pkn Protein kinase N
sti sticky
sqa spaghetti-squash activator
Abi Abelson interacting protein
DAAM Dishevelled Associated Activator of Morphogenesis
Cam Calmodulin
Sra-1 specifically Rac1-associated protein 1
Arpc5 Actin-related protein 2/3 complex, subunit 5
dlg1 discs large 1
azot ahuizotl
Pi3K59F Phosphotidylinositol 3 kinase 59F
cher cheerio
Hem HEM-protein
drk downstream of receptor kinase
Mlc-c Myosin light chain cytoplasmic
rl rolled
Abl Abl tyrosine kinase
LIMK1 LIM domain kinase 1
feo fascetto
Arpc3A Actin-related protein 2/3 complex, subunit 3A
Arpc2 Actin-related protein 2/3 complex, subunit 2
CR31958 pseudo
Arpc1 Actin-related protein 2/3 complex, subunit 1
twe twine
Arp2 Actin-related protein 2
14-3-3epsilon CG31196 gene product from transcript CG31196-RD
Vps15 Vacuolar protein sorting 15
IRSp53 CG32082 gene product from transcript CG32082-RA
Arpc4 Actin-related protein 2/3 complex, subunit 4
dia diaphanous
Arp3 Actin-related protein 3
Strn-Mlck Stretchin-Mlck
sqh spaghetti squash
CG13293 CG13293 gene product from transcript CG13293-RC
SCAR CG4636 gene product from transcript CG4636-RD
Fak Focal adhesion kinase
Mer Merlin
zip zipper
Rhp Rhophilin
CG31960 CG31960 gene product from transcript CG31960-RA
Mrtf Myocardin-related transcription factor
dsh dishevelled
CG5984 CG5984 gene product from transcript CG5984-RA
Act5C Actin 5C
neb nebbish
bs blistered
Arpc3B Actin-related protein 2/3 complex, subunit 3B
WASp CG1520 gene product from transcript CG1520-RA
Cdc42 CG12530 gene product from transcript CG12530-RC
dock dreadlocks
Mbs Myosin binding subunit
HSPC300 Haematopoietic stem/progenitor cell protein 300
Pak p21-activated kinase
14-3-3zeta CG17870 gene product from transcript CG17870-RE
flw flapwing
stg string
Act42A Actin 42A
Rho1 CG8416 gene product from transcript CG8416-RB