項目 | サービス内容 |
目標量(モノクローナル抗体) |
納期 | 最短2週間(別途輸送期間が必要になります) |
ターゲットの種類 |
品質管理 |
精製 |
オプションサービス | ELISA、セルベースアッセイ、フローサイトメトリースクリーニング、Octet® BLI(バイオレイヤー干渉法)アッセイ、Biacore™ SPR(表面プラズモン共鳴)アッセイ、その他 |
1. 通常、最小サンプルサイズが8です。
2. 全てのプロジェクトは事前に受入れ可能かどうか評価させていただきます。
3. LC-MSとエンドトキシン試験用に、サンプルの5%をランダムに選択します。
Human IgG1
This popular TurboCHO™ high throughput service is designed to help
scale quickly from promising leads to purified recombinant antibodies in a microscale
format, accelerating
their preliminary drug screening process. Applications that would
benefit from this service include epitope binning, ligand competition binding studies,
primary and secondary screen assays, HTP biophysical characterization to assess
developability, and more!
Promising leads from your HT studies can be seamlessly integrated into the
GenScript workflow to scale-up transient or stable-cell pool/cell line, recombinant
antibody production,
milligram to gram-level expression, which can support all your in
vitro and in vivo applications!
The newly developed platform is fully automated with QR codes to track all materials and manipulations to eliminate human error and cross-contamination. In addition to its featured Ph.D.-level technical support, we have made remarkable progress in QC analytical approaches, purification solutions, and documentation. Together, these improvements ensure that your antibody samples may be used in downstream applications (i.e., ELISA, Octet® BLI assay, Biacore™ SPR assay, FACS screening, cell-based assay, etc.) performed at GenScript or in-house.
Antibody sequences could be obtained from hybridoma sequencing, phage display libraries, single B cell (B cells) next-generation sequencing (NGS), and more.