ORF » Species Summary » Drosophila melanogaster » Reactome » Extracellular matrix organization
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Browse by Letter Index, Genomic Locus
46 gene
The longest variant of each gene is displayed. Click the see gene variants link to see all gene variants.
Gene Symbol | Full Name |
daw | dawdle |
CG30016 | CG30016 gene product from transcript CG30016-RA |
LanB1 | CG7123 gene product from transcript CG7123-RA |
CG41520 | CG41520 gene product from transcript CG41520-RD |
CG10104 | CG10104 gene product from transcript CG10104-RA |
CG31915 | CG31915 gene product from transcript CG31915-RA |
Pkc53E | Protein C kinase 53E |
Bsg | Basigin |
lox | lysyl oxidase-like |
tld | tolloid |
tok | tolkin |
ItgaPS4 | Integrin alphaPS4 subunit |
ItgaPS5 | Integrin alphaPS5 subunit |
mew | multiple edematous wings |
Itgbn | Integrin betanu subunit |
Fur2 | Furin 2 |
CG4096 | CG4096 gene product from transcript CG4096-RB |
inaC | inactivation no afterpotential C |
CG42342 | CG42342 gene product from transcript CG42342-RH |
if | inflated |
LanA | Laminin A |
CalpB | Calpain-B |
wb | wing blister |
Sdc | Syndecan |
Tsp | Thrombospondin |
CalpA | Calpain-A |
trol | terribly reduced optic lobes |
lox2 | lysyl oxidase-like 2 |
CG8745 | CG8745 gene product from transcript CG8745-RA |
sca | scabrous |
vkg | viking |
Fur1 | Furin 1 |
scb | scab |
mys | myospheroid |
CtsB1 | Cathepsin B1 |
bnl | branchless |
Mp | Multiplexin |
Cp1 | Cysteine proteinase-1 |
teq | Tequila |
CG17765 | CG17765 gene product from transcript CG17765-RA |
LanB2 | Laminin B2 |
Pvr | PDGF- and VEGF-receptor related |
Dg | Dystroglycan |
Plod | procollagen lysyl hydroxylase |
dpy | dumpy |
cathD | CG1548 gene product from transcript CG1548-RC |