ORF » Species Summary » Drosophila melanogaster » Reactome » Golgi-to-ER retrograde transport
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Browse by Letter Index, Genomic Locus
55 gene
The longest variant of each gene is displayed. Click the see gene variants link to see all gene variants.
Gene Symbol | Full Name |
Cdlc2 | Cytoplasmic dynein light chain 2 |
CG4729 | CG4729 gene product from transcript CG4729-RA |
DCTN4-p62 | Dynactin 4, p62 subunit |
comt | comatose |
deltaCOP | Coat Protein (coatomer) delta |
Zw10 | Zeste-white 10 |
CG2023 | CG2023 gene product from transcript CG2023-RA |
bai | baiser |
Surf4 | Surfeit 4 |
betaCOP | Coat Protein (coatomer) beta |
ctp | cut up |
Sdic1 | Sperm-specific dynein intermediate chain 1 |
Dhc64C | Dynein heavy chain 64C |
alphaSnap | alpha Soluble NSF attachment protein |
p24-1 | p24-related-1 |
zetaCOP | Coat Protein (coatomer) zeta |
p24-2 | p24-related-2 |
CG4753 | CG4753 gene product from transcript CG4753-RB |
CG9279 | CG9279 gene product from transcript CG9279-RB |
beta'COP | Coat Protein (coatomer) beta' |
ArfGAP3 | ADP-ribosylation factor GTPase activating protein 3 |
Rab18 | CG3129 gene product from transcript CG3129-RA |
epsilonCOP | Coat Protein (coatomer) epsilon |
Use1 | Unconventional SNARE in the ER 1 |
Rab1 | CG3320 gene product from transcript CG3320-RA |
Sec22 | Secretory 22 |
ArfGAP1 | ADP-ribosylation factor GTPase activating protein 1 |
CG31935 | CG31935 gene product from transcript CG31935-RA |
Arf102F | ADP ribosylation factor at 102F |
DCTN5-p25 | Dynactin 5, p25 subunit |
gammaCOP | Coat Protein (coatomer) gamma |
alphaCOP | Coat Protein (coatomer) alpha |
pgant2 | polypeptide GalNAc transferase 2 |
CHOp24 | CG3564 gene product from transcript CG3564-RB |
DCTN2-p50 | Dynactin 2, p50 subunit |
Syx18 | Syntaxin 18 |
sw | short wing |
DCTN6-p27 | Dynactin 6, p27 subunit |
garz | gartenzwerg |
pgant5 | polypeptide GalNAc transferase 5 |
Rab6 | CG6601 gene product from transcript CG6601-RB |
DCTN1-p150 | Dynactin 1, p150 subunit |
Sdic3 | Sperm-specific dynein intermediate chain 3 |
iPLA2-VIA | calcium-independent phospholipase A2 VIA |
KdelR | KDEL receptor |
Paf-AHalpha | Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase alpha |
Rint1 | RAD50 interactor 1 |
Lis-1 | Lissencephaly-1 |
Dlic | Dynein light intermediate chain |
BicD | Bicaudal D |
eca | eclair |
Nsf2 | N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor 2 |
Rab3-GAP | Rab3 GTPase activating protein |
Sdic2 | Sperm-specific dynein intermediate chain 2 |
CG9308 | CG9308 gene product from transcript CG9308-RA |