ORF » Species Summary » Drosophila melanogaster » Reactome » Cell-Cell communication
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Browse by Letter Index, Genomic Locus
20 gene
The longest variant of each gene is displayed. Click the see gene variants link to see all gene variants.
Gene Symbol | Full Name |
hbs | hibris |
RtGEF | Rho-type guanine nucleotide exchange factor |
kirre | kin of irre |
Dscam2 | Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule 2 |
Itgbn | Integrin betanu subunit |
CG45263 | CG45263 gene product from transcript CG45263-RC |
parvin | CG32528 gene product from transcript CG32528-RB |
stck | steamer duck |
Dscam1 | Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule 1 |
Src64B | Src oncogene at 64B |
sns | sticks and stones |
Actn | alpha actinin |
mys | myospheroid |
ics | icarus |
WASp | CG1520 gene product from transcript CG1520-RA |
Dscam3 | Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule 3 |
dock | dreadlocks |
Dscam4 | Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule 4 |
Ilk | Integrin linked kinase |
rst | roughest |