ORF cDNAクローンを検索してください



  • Entrez Gene ID (e.g. 7157)
  • gene symbol (e.g. TP53)
  • gene name (e.g. tumor protein p53)
  • gene synonyms (e.g. FLJ92943)
  • Ensembl ID (e.g. ENSG0000141510)
  • Accession No. (e.g. NM_000546)
  • 種名は、キーワードの後に ”キーワード[species:$species]” という形式で入力できます。ここで、$speciesは種の名称(ヒトやラットなど)、または分類群id (9606など)を入力します。

さらに検索するには こちらをクリック.

Homo sapiens (human)

Toll Like Receptor 7/8 (TLR7/8) Cascade TRAF6 mediated induction of NFkB and MAP kinases upon TLR7/8 or 9 activation
IRAK1 recruits IKK complex upon TLR7/8 or 9 stimulation Toll Like Receptor 4 (TLR4) Cascade
Lectin pathway of complement activation Classical antibody-mediated complement activation
Alternative complement activation Terminal pathway of complement
Regulation of Complement cascade Inflammasomes
RIG-I/MDA5 mediated induction of IFN-alpha/beta pathways Defensins
Alpha-defensins ZBP1(DAI) mediated induction of type I IFNs
STING mediated induction of host immune responses STAT6-mediated induction of chemokines
DEx/H-box helicases activate type I IFN and inflammatory cytokines production Regulation of innate immune responses to cytosolic DNA
MAP2K and MAPK activation CaMK IV-mediated phosphorylation of CREB
CLEC7A (Dectin-1) signaling CD209 (DC-SIGN) signaling
Cytokine Signaling in Immune system Interleukin-2 signaling
Growth hormone receptor signaling TNF receptor superfamily (TNFSF) members mediating non-canonical NF-kB pathway
Interaction With The Zona Pellucida Acrosome Reaction
Platelet calcium homeostasis Response to elevated platelet cytosolic Ca2+
Platelet degranulation Signaling by EGFR
EGFR interacts with phospholipase C-gamma EGFR downregulation
FGFR1 ligand binding and activation FGFR1c ligand binding and activation
Phospholipase C-mediated cascade: FGFR1 Downstream signaling of activated FGFR2
FGFR3c ligand binding and activation Phospholipase C-mediated cascade; FGFR4
IRS activation Activation of AKT2
PKB-mediated events mTOR signalling
Energy dependent regulation of mTOR by LKB1-AMPK SOS-mediated signalling
p75 NTR receptor-mediated signalling p75NTR negatively regulates cell cycle via SC1
Signalling to p38 via RIT and RIN PI3K/AKT activation
Downstream signal transduction VEGF binds to VEGFR leading to receptor dimerization
PI3K events in ERBB4 signaling Downregulation of ERBB4 signaling
MAPK1/MAPK3 signaling MAPK6/MAPK4 signaling
RHO GTPases Activate ROCKs RHO GTPases regulate CFTR trafficking
RHO GTPases Activate WASPs and WAVEs Downregulation of TGF-beta receptor signaling
Signaling by NOTCH Signaling by NOTCH2
Signaling by NOTCH4 Relaxin receptors
Amine ligand-binding receptors Histamine receptors
Prostanoid ligand receptors Hydroxycarboxylic acid-binding receptors
Class B/2 (Secretin family receptors) Glucagon-type ligand receptors
G alpha (z) signalling events G-protein beta:gamma signalling
Olfactory Signaling Pathway G-protein activation
Ca-dependent events Adenylate cyclase activating pathway
DARPP-32 events Gastrin-CREB signalling pathway via PKC and MAPK
Degradation of beta-catenin by the destruction complex Deactivation of the beta-catenin transactivating complex
Degradation of DVL Negative regulation of TCF-dependent signaling by WNT ligand antagonists
The retinoid cycle in cones (daylight vision) Release of Hh-Np from the secreting cell
Degradation of GLI1 by the proteasome GLI proteins bind promoters of Hh responsive genes to promote transcription
Death Receptor Signalling TNFR1-induced proapoptotic signaling
Generic Transcription Pathway Transcriptional Regulation by TP53
TP53 Regulates Metabolic Genes RNA Polymerase I Transcription
RNA Polymerase I Promoter Escape RNA Polymerase III Transcription
RNA Polymerase III Transcription Initiation From Type 3 Promoter Transcription from mitochondrial promoters
RNA Polymerase II Transcription RNA Pol II CTD phosphorylation and interaction with CE
RNA Polymerase II Transcription Elongation Formation of RNA Pol II elongation complex
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