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  • gene symbol (e.g. TP53)
  • gene name (e.g. tumor protein p53)
  • gene synonyms (e.g. FLJ92943)
  • Ensembl ID (e.g. ENSG0000141510)
  • Accession No. (e.g. NM_000546)
  • 種名は、キーワードの後に ”キーワード[species:$species]” という形式で入力できます。ここで、$speciesは種の名称(ヒトやラットなど)、または分類群id (9606など)を入力します。

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Xenopus tropicalis (tropical clawed frog) Lysosome (provided by KEGG)

137 gene

The longest variant of each gene is displayed. Click the see gene variants link to see all gene variants.

Gene Symbol Full Name
ap1s1 adaptor related protein complex 1 sigma 1 subunit
acp2 acid phosphatase 2, lysosomal
abca2 ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 2
LOC100492634 cathepsin K-like
igf2r insulin like growth factor 2 receptor
naglu N-acetylglucosaminidase, alpha
napsa napsin A aspartic peptidase
sgsh N-sulfoglucosamine sulfohydrolase
mcoln1 mucolipin 1
cln5 CLN5, intracellular trafficking protein
LOC100490139 cathepsin K-like
ap3b1 adaptor related protein complex 3 beta 1 subunit
arsa.2 arylsulfatase A, gene 2
laptm4b lysosomal protein transmembrane 4 beta
tcirg1 T cell immune regulator 1, ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit a3
gnptab N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate transferase, alpha and beta subunits
LOC105945585 cathepsin L1-like
smpd1 sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 1
ctsf cathepsin F
LOC100496969 heparan-alpha-glucosaminide N-acetyltransferase-like
ctsc cathepsin C
ctsk cathepsin K (pycnodysostosis)
cltcl1 clathrin heavy chain like 1
acp5 acid phosphatase 5, tartrate resistant
ap1s2 adaptor related protein complex 1 sigma 2 subunit
ap4s1 adaptor related protein complex 4, sigma 1 subunit
ap3b2 adaptor related protein complex 3 beta 2 subunit
LOC105948322 cathepsin S-like
mfsd8 major facilitator superfamily domain containing 8
hexb hexosaminidase B (beta polypeptide)
ap3s2 adaptor related protein complex 3 sigma 2 subunit
gns glucosamine (N-acetyl)-6-sulfatase
galc galactosylceramidase
manba mannosidase, beta A, lysosomal
ap1m2 adaptor related protein complex 1 mu 2 subunit
sort1 sortilin 1
ctsv cathepsin V
ap1g1 adaptor related protein complex 1 gamma 1 subunit
LOC100498168 lipopolysaccharide-induced tumor necrosis factor-alpha factor homolog
clta clathrin light chain A
naga N-acetylgalactosaminidase, alpha-
LOC594890 uncharacterized LOC594890
neu1 neuraminidase 1 (lysosomal sialidase)
ctsw cathepsin W
abcb9 ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 9
ctsz cathepsin Z
atp6ap1.2 ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal accessory protein 1, gene 2
m6pr mannose-6-phosphate receptor (cation dependent)
lgmn legumain
cltb clathrin, light chain B
galns galactosamine (N-acetyl)-6-sulfatase
gm2a GM2 ganglioside activator
slc11a1 solute carrier family 11 member 1
atp6v0d1 ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal 38kDa, V0 subunit d1
ap4e1 adaptor related protein complex 4, epsilon 1 subunit
MGC89016 MGC89016 protein
psap prosaposin (variant Gaucher disease and variant metachromatic leukodystrophy)
pla2g15 phospholipase A2 group XV
LOC100490537 cathepsin S-like
lamp3 lysosomal-associated membrane protein 3
cltc clathrin, heavy chain (Hc)
npc2 Niemann-Pick disease, type C2
atp6v0a2 ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit a2
slc11a2 solute carrier family 11 member 2
ap4m1 adaptor related protein complex 4, mu 1 subunit
LOC613063 cathepsin D-like
scarb2 scavenger receptor class B member 2
atp6v0b ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal 21kDa, V0 subunit b
ctsd cathepsin D
arsg arylsulfatase G
LOC100498084 cathepsin S-like
atp6v0d2 ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal 38kDa, V0 subunit d2
ap4b1 adaptor related protein complex 4, beta 1 subunit
ap1m1 adaptor related protein complex 1 mu 1 subunit
LOC733515 Novel Trtraspanin family protein
aga aspartylglucosaminidase
ctsa cathepsin A
tpp1 tripeptidyl peptidase I
litaf lipopolysaccharide-induced TNF factor
lipa lipase A, lysosomal acid, cholesterol esterase
gga3 golgi-associated, gamma adaptin ear containing, ARF binding protein 3
cln3 ceroid-lipofuscinosis, neuronal 3
atp6v0a4 ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit a4
LOC733858 uncharacterized LOC733858
ctse cathepsin E
gga1 golgi-associated, gamma adaptin ear containing, ARF binding protein 1
dnase2 deoxyribonuclease II, lysosomal
ctsb cathepsin B
ap1b1 adaptor related protein complex 1 beta 1 subunit
LOC100493091 lysosomal-associated transmembrane protein 5-like
ap3m2 adaptor related protein complex 3 mu 2 subunit
asah1 N-acylsphingosine amidohydrolase (acid ceramidase) 1
LOC100490361 cathepsin S-like
entpd4 ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 4
LOC108644461 ganglioside GM2 activator-like
sumf1 sulfatase modifying factor 1
gla galactosidase alpha
cd164 CD164 molecule
laptm5 lysosomal protein transmembrane 5
lamp1 lysosomal-associated membrane protein 1
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