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  • gene symbol (e.g. TP53)
  • gene name (e.g. tumor protein p53)
  • gene synonyms (e.g. FLJ92943)
  • Ensembl ID (e.g. ENSG0000141510)
  • Accession No. (e.g. NM_000546)
  • 種名は、キーワードの後に ”キーワード[species:$species]” という形式で入力できます。ここで、$speciesは種の名称(ヒトやラットなど)、または分類群id (9606など)を入力します。

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Xenopus tropicalis (tropical clawed frog) Gastrin-CREB signalling pathway via PKC and MAPK (provided by Reactome)

237 gene

The longest variant of each gene is displayed. Click the see gene variants link to see all gene variants.

Gene Symbol Full Name
grpr gastrin releasing peptide receptor
ranbp9 RAN binding protein 9
brap BRCA1 associated protein
rps6ka1 ribosomal protein S6 kinase A1
bdkrb2 bradykinin receptor B2
shc2 SHC (Src homology 2 domain containing) transforming protein 2
mchr1.2 melanin-concentrating hormone receptor 1, gene 2
irs1 insulin receptor substrate 1
rgs18 regulator of G-protein signaling 18
fgf16 fibroblast growth factor 16
psmc6 proteasome 26S subunit, ATPase 6
il17rd interleukin 17 receptor D
psmd9 proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 9
dgkb diacylglycerol kinase beta
fgf20 fibroblast growth factor 20
dusp6 dual specificity phosphatase 6
agtr1 angiotensin II receptor type 1
gcgr glucagon receptor
rasal1 RAS protein activator like 1 (GAP1 like)
grm1 glutamate receptor, metabotropic 1
fgf5 fibroblast growth factor 5
f2rl3 F2R like thrombin or trypsin receptor 3
frs2 fibroblast growth factor receptor substrate 2
LOC101733670 free fatty acid receptor 2-like
pdgfb platelet derived growth factor subunit B
dagla diacylglycerol lipase, alpha
prkce protein kinase C epsilon
psmc4 proteasome 26S subunit, ATPase 4
fgfr4 fibroblast growth factor receptor 4
f2r coagulation factor 2 (thrombin) receptor
fgf19 fibroblast growth factor 19
rgs2 regulator of G-protein signaling 2
prkcq protein kinase C theta
LOC100489571 matrix metalloproteinase-18-like
ghsr growth hormone secretagogue receptor
fgfr1 fibroblast growth factor receptor 1
calm1 calmodulin 1 (phosphorylase kinase, delta)
pdgfa platelet derived growth factor subunit A
kalrn kalirin RhoGEF kinase
ptgfr prostaglandin F receptor (FP)
LOC100489735 matrix metalloproteinase-18-like
oxtr oxytocin receptor
fgf9 fibroblast growth factor 9
dgke diacylglycerol kinase epsilon
f2 coagulation factor II, thrombin
mmp8 matrix metallopeptidase 8
daglb diacylglycerol lipase, beta
ret ret proto-oncogene
app amyloid beta precursor protein
hrh1 histamine receptor H1
mapk7 mitogen-activated protein kinase 7
kiss1 kisspeptin
p2ry1 purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled, 1
plcb4 phospholipase C beta 4
ppp5c protein phosphatase 5, catalytic subunit
pebp1 phosphatidylethanolamine binding protein 1
psmd12 proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 12
fgf8 fibroblast growth factor 8
psme3 proteasome activator subunit 3
irs2 insulin receptor substrate 2
grb2 growth factor receptor bound protein 2
mmp1 matrix metallopeptidase 1
ptpra protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type A
anxa1 annexin A1
psmd7 proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 7
psmb1 proteasome subunit beta 1
camk2d calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase (CaM kinase) II delta
mgll monoglyceride lipase
hgf hepatocyte growth factor (hepapoietin A; scatter factor)
psma7 proteasome subunit alpha 7
f2rl1 F2R like trypsin receptor 1
ppp2ca protein phosphatase 2 catalytic subunit alpha
tac1 tachykinin precursor 1
gng2 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 2
fyn FYN proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase
gcg glucagon
trio trio Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor
dab2ip DAB2 interacting protein
gpr68 G protein-coupled receptor 68
prokr2 prokineticin receptor 2
tbxa2r thromboxane A2 receptor
f2rl2 coagulation factor II (thrombin) receptor-like 2
LOC100489588 free fatty acid receptor 2-like
dgkq diacylglycerol kinase theta
egf epidermal growth factor
avpr1a arginine vasopressin receptor 1A
qrfp pyroglutamylated RFamide peptide
psmc1 proteasome 26S subunit, ATPase 1
dusp9 dual specificity phosphatase 9
ubc ubiquitin C
mchr2 melanin concentrating hormone receptor 2
psmd2 proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 2
edn1 endothelin 1
egfr epidermal growth factor receptor
wdr83 WD repeat domain 83
prok1 prokineticin 1
psmd3 proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 3
mlnr motilin receptor
chrm5 cholinergic receptor, muscarinic 5
lpar4 lysophosphatidic acid receptor 4
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