ORF cDNAクローンを検索してください



  • Entrez Gene ID (e.g. 7157)
  • gene symbol (e.g. TP53)
  • gene name (e.g. tumor protein p53)
  • gene synonyms (e.g. FLJ92943)
  • Ensembl ID (e.g. ENSG0000141510)
  • Accession No. (e.g. NM_000546)
  • 種名は、キーワードの後に ”キーワード[species:$species]” という形式で入力できます。ここで、$speciesは種の名称(ヒトやラットなど)、または分類群id (9606など)を入力します。

さらに検索するには こちらをクリック.

Xenopus tropicalis (tropical clawed frog) Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives (provided by Reactome)

175 gene

The longest variant of each gene is displayed. Click the see gene variants link to see all gene variants.

Gene Symbol Full Name
acad8 acyl-CoA dehydrogenase family member 8
serinc3 serine incorporator 3
srm spermidine synthase
hykk hydroxylysine kinase
slc25a21 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial oxoadipate carrier), member 21
hdc histidine decarboxylase
mccc1 methylcrotonoyl-CoA carboxylase 1
gamt guanidinoacetate N-methyltransferase
phgdh phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase
oat.1 ornithine aminotransferase, gene 1
ethe1 ethylmalonic encephalopathy 1
ckb creatine kinase, brain
acat1 acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase 1
kyat1 kynurenine aminotransferase 1
bckdha branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase E1, alpha polypeptide
fah fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase (fumarylacetoacetase)
aldh7a1 aldehyde dehydrogenase 7 family member A1
gclc glutamate-cysteine ligase, catalytic subunit
bbox1 butyrobetaine (gamma), 2-oxoglutarate dioxygenase (gamma-butyrobetaine hydroxylase) 1
aspa aspartoacylase
tph2 tryptophan hydroxylase 2
psat1 phosphoserine aminotransferase 1
dbt dihydrolipoamide branched chain transacylase E2
serinc5 serine incorporator 5
psmd12 proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 12
psme3 proteasome activator subunit 3
th tyrosine hydroxylase
tat tyrosine aminotransferase
haao 3-hydroxyanthranilate 3,4-dioxygenase
arg2 arginase 2
ppm1k protein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1K
psmd7 proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 7
psmb1 proteasome subunit beta 1
psma7 proteasome subunit alpha 7
gstz1 glutathione S-transferase zeta 1
amd1 adenosylmethionine decarboxylase 1
pipox pipecolic acid oxidase
got1 glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 1
gclm glutamate-cysteine ligase, modifier subunit
sms spermine synthase
azin1 antizyme inhibitor 1
mccc2 methylcrotonoyl-CoA carboxylase 2
bcat2 branched chain amino-acid transaminase 2, mitochondrial
gcdh glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase
hnmt histamine N-methyltransferase
psmc1 proteasome 26S subunit, ATPase 1
psmd2 proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 2
oaz1 ornithine decarboxylase antizyme 1
asmt acetylserotonin O-methyltransferase
psmd3 proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 3
aanat aralkylamine N-acetyltransferase
ahcy adenosylhomocysteinase
psme1 proteasome activator subunit 1
psmd13 proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 13
psma3 proteasome subunit alpha 3
dct dopachrome tautomerase
gpt2 glutamic pyruvate transaminase (alanine aminotransferase) 2
asrgl1 asparaginase like 1
psmd6 proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 6
ddc dopa decarboxylase
hal.2 histidine ammonia-lyase, gene 2
dld dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase
psmb7.2 proteasome subunit beta 7
shmt1 serine hydroxymethyltransferase 1 (soluble)
enoph1 enolase-phosphatase 1
aldh18a1 aldehyde dehydrogenase 18 family member A1
oaz2 ornithine decarboxylase antizyme 2
asl argininosuccinate lyase
got2 glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 2
cth cystathionine gamma-lyase
mri1 methylthioribose-1-phosphate isomerase 1
qdpr quinoid dihydropteridine reductase
il4i1 interleukin 4 induced 1
kmo kynurenine 3-monooxygenase (kynurenine 3-hydroxylase)
psmc3 proteasome 26S subunit, ATPase 3
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