ORF cDNAクローンを検索してください



  • Entrez Gene ID (e.g. 7157)
  • gene symbol (e.g. TP53)
  • gene name (e.g. tumor protein p53)
  • gene synonyms (e.g. FLJ92943)
  • Ensembl ID (e.g. ENSG0000141510)
  • Accession No. (e.g. NM_000546)
  • 種名は、キーワードの後に ”キーワード[species:$species]” という形式で入力できます。ここで、$speciesは種の名称(ヒトやラットなど)、または分類群id (9606など)を入力します。

さらに検索するには こちらをクリック.

Caenorhabditis elegans

Chromosome: IV

3293 gene

Chromosome: I II III IV V X

Gene Symbol Full Name Gene Type
ndx-9 NADH pyrophosphatase protein-coding
F47C12.7 hypothetical protein protein-coding
T22D1.5 hypothetical protein protein-coding
kvs-5 hypothetical protein protein-coding
C01F6.9 hypothetical protein protein-coding
F20C5.4 hypothetical protein protein-coding
T12G3.11 hypothetical protein protein-coding
lgc-9 Ligand-Gated ion Channel protein-coding
rps-25 40S ribosomal protein S25 protein-coding
F56B3.4 hypothetical protein protein-coding
Y116A8A.6 hypothetical protein protein-coding
Y66H1A.5 hypothetical protein protein-coding
far-6 Fatty Acid/Retinol binding protein protein-coding
vdac-1 Probable voltage-dependent anion-selective channel protein-coding
acp-6 ACid Phosphatase family protein-coding
zim-3 Zinc finger In Meiosis protein-coding
Y51H4A.8 hypothetical protein protein-coding
fbxb-75 F-box B protein protein-coding
ZK822.1 hypothetical protein protein-coding
Y116A8C.49 hypothetical protein protein-coding
tag-261 hypothetical protein protein-coding
ZC477.2 hypothetical protein protein-coding
C49C3.7 hypothetical protein protein-coding
Y54G2A.72 hypothetical protein protein-coding
T04A11.4 hypothetical protein protein-coding
C49A9.9 hypothetical protein protein-coding
Y41D4B.6 hypothetical protein protein-coding
kdin-1 KiDINs220 (vertebrate scaffold protein) homolog protein-coding
M116.1 hypothetical protein protein-coding
Y51H4A.5 hypothetical protein protein-coding
pyk-2 Pyruvate kinase protein-coding
F59B8.1 hypothetical protein protein-coding
col-101 COLlagen protein-coding
Y105C5B.9 Phytanoyl-CoA dioxygenase domain-containing protein 1 homolog protein-coding
Y55F3BR.1 hypothetical protein protein-coding
F36H1.3 Tyrosine-protein phosphatase protein-coding
F28E10.1 hypothetical protein protein-coding
C09G9.5 hypothetical protein protein-coding
F42G8.10 hypothetical protein protein-coding
ric-3 Resistance to inhibitors of cholinesterase protein 3 protein-coding
C34H4.5 hypothetical protein protein-coding
glt-7 Amino acid transporter protein-coding
scl-10 SCP-Like extracellular protein protein-coding
cyp-31A3 CYtochrome P450 family protein-coding
K07H8.2 hypothetical protein protein-coding
ZC168.2 hypothetical protein protein-coding
Y105C5A.1285 hypothetical protein protein-coding
oac-52 O-ACyltransferase homolog protein-coding
F20D12.7 hypothetical protein protein-coding
R05A10.4 UPF0375 protein R05A10.4 protein-coding
F38H4.5 hypothetical protein protein-coding
T11B7.1 hypothetical protein protein-coding
Y76B12C.4 hypothetical protein protein-coding
Y40H7A.11 hypothetical protein protein-coding
sax-7 Sensory AXon guidance protein-coding
fbxc-10 F-box C protein protein-coding
grl-21 GRound-Like (grd related) protein-coding
maph-9 Protein maph-9 protein-coding
F56D6.8 hypothetical protein protein-coding
Y51H4A.1 hypothetical protein protein-coding
Y59H11AM.1 Major sperm protein protein-coding
col-119 COLlagen protein-coding
fbxa-83 F-box A protein protein-coding
Y4C6B.3 hypothetical protein protein-coding
F36H12.9 hypothetical protein protein-coding
nhr-229 Nuclear Hormone Receptor family protein-coding
C35D6.3 hypothetical protein protein-coding
Y59E9AL.4 hypothetical protein protein-coding
C39E9.11 hypothetical protein protein-coding
col-103 COLlagen protein-coding
F29B9.7 hypothetical protein protein-coding
C49A9.1 hypothetical protein protein-coding
nep-16 NEPrilysin metallopeptidase family protein-coding
C24D10.5 hypothetical protein protein-coding
ZK792.4 hypothetical protein protein-coding
cha-1 Choline O-acetyltransferase protein-coding
F15E6.6 hypothetical protein protein-coding
Y38C1AB.3 hypothetical protein protein-coding
rla-2 Ribosomal protein, Large subunit, Acidic (P1) protein-coding
F55G11.1 hypothetical protein protein-coding
T25B9.4 Tyrosine-protein kinase protein-coding
osm-3 Osmotic avoidance abnormal protein 3 protein-coding
Y57G11C.9 hypothetical protein protein-coding
T25B9.2 Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase protein-coding
Y59E9AL.2 hypothetical protein protein-coding
cpi-1 Cystatin protein-coding
str-156 Seven TM Receptor protein-coding
K07H8.7 hypothetical protein protein-coding
nhr-138 Nuclear Hormone Receptor family protein-coding
rpn-7 26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 6 protein-coding
htz-1 Histone H2A.V protein-coding
T28F3.9 hypothetical protein protein-coding
Y116A8C.27 hypothetical protein protein-coding
K03D3.5 hypothetical protein protein-coding
Y67D8C.22 hypothetical protein protein-coding
nhr-97 Nuclear hormone receptor family member nhr-97 protein-coding
Y41E3.7 hypothetical protein protein-coding
Y73F8A.26 hypothetical protein protein-coding
skr-9 SKp1 Related (ubiquitin ligase complex component) protein-coding
mars-1 Methionine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic protein-coding
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