ORF cDNAクローンを検索してください



  • Entrez Gene ID (e.g. 7157)
  • gene symbol (e.g. TP53)
  • gene name (e.g. tumor protein p53)
  • gene synonyms (e.g. FLJ92943)
  • Ensembl ID (e.g. ENSG0000141510)
  • Accession No. (e.g. NM_000546)
  • 種名は、キーワードの後に ”キーワード[species:$species]” という形式で入力できます。ここで、$speciesは種の名称(ヒトやラットなど)、または分類群id (9606など)を入力します。

さらに検索するには こちらをクリック.

Caenorhabditis elegans

Chromosome: IV

3293 gene

Chromosome: I II III IV V X

Gene Symbol Full Name Gene Type
K07A9.3 hypothetical protein protein-coding
W01B6.4 hypothetical protein protein-coding
ivd-1 IsoValeryl-CoA Dehydrogenase protein-coding
parg-1 Poly Adp-Ribose (ADP-ribose) Glycohydrolase protein-coding
T12G3.2 hypothetical protein protein-coding
pals-30 Protein containing ALS2cr12 (ALS2CR12) signature protein-coding
mboa-4 Membrane Bound O-Acyl transferase, MBOAT protein-coding
dur-1 Dauer Up-Regulated protein-coding
F26D10.13 hypothetical protein protein-coding
T21D12.12 hypothetical protein protein-coding
M04G7.3 hypothetical protein protein-coding
fbxc-4 F-box C protein protein-coding
klo-1 KLOtho (mammalian aging-associated protein) homolog protein-coding
srx-50 Serpentine Receptor, class X protein-coding
F40F11.4 hypothetical protein protein-coding
C49C8.5 hypothetical protein protein-coding
C39E9.7 hypothetical protein protein-coding
Y73B6A.1 hypothetical protein protein-coding
thn-5 THaumatiN family protein-coding
Y105C5B.19 Major sperm protein protein-coding
Y54G2A.76 hypothetical protein protein-coding
itr-1 Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor itr-1 protein-coding
F13E9.19 hypothetical protein protein-coding
M04B2.2 hypothetical protein protein-coding
flp-10 FMRF-Like Peptide protein-coding
mon-2 Monensin-resistant homolog 2 protein-coding
C25G4.17 hypothetical protein protein-coding
fbxa-98 F-box A protein protein-coding
F40F11.3 hypothetical protein protein-coding
ceh-53 C. Elegans Homeobox protein-coding
R05A10.2 hypothetical protein protein-coding
F58F9.1 hypothetical protein protein-coding
F01G10.4 hypothetical protein protein-coding
skr-8 SKp1 Related (ubiquitin ligase complex component) protein-coding
F25H8.1 hypothetical protein protein-coding
ZK180.3 Protein RFT1 homolog protein-coding
Y54G2A.11 hypothetical protein protein-coding
H34C03.2 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase protein-coding
fem-3 FEMinization of XX and XO animals protein-coding
scl-11 SCP-Like extracellular protein protein-coding
T05C7.4 hypothetical protein protein-coding
Y43D4A.4 hypothetical protein protein-coding
col-110 COLlagen protein-coding
scl-6 SCP-Like extracellular protein protein-coding
Y57G11C.22 hypothetical protein protein-coding
prkl-1 Drosophila PRicKLe homolog protein-coding
Y38F2AR.10 Major sperm protein protein-coding
ced-2 Cell death abnormality protein 2 protein-coding
C06E4.2 hypothetical protein protein-coding
clec-179 C-type LECtin protein-coding
lgc-30 Ligand-Gated ion Channel protein-coding
R102.4 hypothetical protein protein-coding
C02B10.3 EGF-like domain-containing protein C02B10.3 protein-coding
C48D1.9 hypothetical protein protein-coding
F17E9.16 hypothetical protein protein-coding
ssp-10 Sperm-specific class P protein 10 protein-coding
T20D3.6 hypothetical protein protein-coding
F56B3.6 Receptor expression-enhancing protein protein-coding
nol-10 NucleOLar protein protein-coding
pyp-1 Probable inorganic pyrophosphatase 1 protein-coding
skr-10 SKp1 Related (ubiquitin ligase complex component) protein-coding
C25A8.2 hypothetical protein protein-coding
vha-8 Vacuolar H ATPase protein-coding
pcp-3 Prolyl Carboxy Peptidase like protein-coding
atln-2 ATLastiN (endoplasmic reticulum GTPase) related protein-coding
Y104H12D.2 hypothetical protein protein-coding
Y73B6BL.23 hypothetical protein protein-coding
T23B5.3 hypothetical protein protein-coding
F15E6.3 hypothetical protein protein-coding
srv-12 Serpentine Receptor, class V protein-coding
kin-26 Tyrosine-protein kinase protein-coding
rib-1 Exostosin-1 homolog protein-coding
col-117 COLlagen protein-coding
Y67D8C.7 hypothetical protein protein-coding
T13A10.2 hypothetical protein protein-coding
sucg-1 Succinate--CoA ligase [GDP-forming] subunit beta, mitochondrial protein-coding
clec-185 C-type LECtin protein-coding
Y67D8B.3 hypothetical protein protein-coding
ZK829.9 hypothetical protein protein-coding
hlh-31 Helix Loop Helix protein-coding
T23G4.5 hypothetical protein protein-coding
C04C3.7 hypothetical protein protein-coding
Y41D4A.1 hypothetical protein protein-coding
Y59H11AR.10 hypothetical protein protein-coding
snb-7 SyNaptoBrevin related protein-coding
spo-11 Meiotic recombination protein spo-11 protein-coding
ric-8 Synembryn protein-coding
ttr-50 TransThyretin-Related family domain protein-coding
sru-18 Serpentine Receptor, class U protein-coding
dcaf-1 DDB1 and CUL4-Associated Factor (DCAF1/VprBP) homolog protein-coding
smf-3 NRAMP-like transporter smf-3 protein-coding
C35B1.2 hypothetical protein protein-coding
T11G6.2 hypothetical protein protein-coding
aly-1 Ref/ALY RNA export adaptor family protein-coding
plx-1 PLeXin protein-coding
Y94H6A.3 hypothetical protein protein-coding
Y38C1AA.7 hypothetical protein protein-coding
ZC477.7 hypothetical protein protein-coding
Y54G2A.27 hypothetical protein protein-coding
clec-80 C-type LECtin protein-coding
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