ORF cDNAクローンを検索してください



  • Entrez Gene ID (e.g. 7157)
  • gene symbol (e.g. TP53)
  • gene name (e.g. tumor protein p53)
  • gene synonyms (e.g. FLJ92943)
  • Ensembl ID (e.g. ENSG0000141510)
  • Accession No. (e.g. NM_000546)
  • 種名は、キーワードの後に ”キーワード[species:$species]” という形式で入力できます。ここで、$speciesは種の名称(ヒトやラットなど)、または分類群id (9606など)を入力します。

さらに検索するには こちらをクリック.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C (other)

Tryptophan Biosynthesis Tryptophan Degradation
TCA Cycle Leucine Biosynthesis
Superpathway of Glutamate Biosynthesis Sulfur degradation
Octane oxidation Protein Modifications
Glycogen Catabolism Toluene degradation
Sphingolipid Metabolism Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase pathway
Galactose Metabolism Fatty Acid Biosynthesis, Initial Steps
Serine Biosynthesis Phenylalanine Biosynthesis
Phenylalanine Degradation Glucose-1-phosphate metabolism
Asparagine Biosynthesis MAPK Signaling Pathway
Sulfur Amino Acid biosynthesis Threonine Biosynthesis
Isoleucine Degradation Deoxyribose phosphate metabolism
Anaerobic respiration Aerobic Glycerol Catabolism
RuMP cycle and formaldehyde assimilation De Novo Biosyn. of Pyrimidine Deoxyribonucleotides
Upiquinone Q Prenylation UDP-Glucose Conversion
Aspartate Biosynthesis Ubiquinone Biosynthesis
Panothenate and Coenzyme A Biosynthesis Riboflavin, FMN, and FAD Biosynthesis
Polyamine Biosynthesis Lipases biosynthesis
Valine Biosynthesis Principle Pathways of Carbon Metabolism
Xylulose-monophosphate cycle Serine and Glycine biosynthesis
Trehalose Biosynthesis Fatty Acid Elongation, Saturated
De Novo Biosynthesis of Purine Nucleotides Ribose and Deoxyribose Phosphate Metabolism
Cytoplasmic tRNA Synthetases Phospholipid Biosynthesis
Isoleucine, Leucine, and Valine biosynthesis Allantoin Degradation
Chorismate Biosynthesis Cholesterol Biosynthesis
P-cymene Degradation Glycine Degradation
Nutrient control of ribosomal gene expression Glycolysis and Gluconeogenesis
Genes of Meiotic Recombination Lactose degradation
Tyrosine Biosynthesis Triglyceride Biosynthesis
Threonine and Methionine biosynthesis De Novo Biosynthesis of Pyrimidine Ribonucleotides
Fatty acid oxidation Glutamate degradation VII
Glycerol Teichoic Acid Biosynthesis Serine-isocitrate lyase pathway
Glutamate degradation III Fatty Acid Elongation, Unsaturated
Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Pathway Asparagine degradation
Methionine Degradation DNA Replication
Glycine biosynthesis Non-Oxidative Branch of the Pentose Pathway
Salvage Pathways of Pyrimidine Ribonucleotides Folic acid biosynthesis
Pentose Phosphate Pathway 2 NAD Biosynthesis
Cell Cycle and Cell Division Lysine Biosynthesis
De Novo NAD Biosynthesis Pentose Phosphate Pathway
Gluconeogenesis Oxidative Branch of the Pentose Phosphate Pathway
Sulfate assimilation pathway II Purine Fermentation
Arginine degradation Sucrose Biosynthesis
Isoleucine and Valine biosynthesis Glutathione-Glutaredoxin Redox Reaction
Phosphatidic Acid and Phospholipid Biosynthesis UDP-N-Acetylgalactosamine Biosynthesis
Phenylalanine, Tyrosine, Tryptophan biosynthesis Homocysteine and Cysteine Interconversion
TCA Cycle - Detailed Colanic Acid Building Blocks Biosynthesis
Superpathway of Histidine, Purine, and Pyrimidine Tryptophan Degradation Via Kynurenine
Proteasome Degradation Histidine Biosynthesis
Glutathione Biosynthesis NAD Salvage Pathway
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