ORF cDNAクローンを検索してください



  • Entrez Gene ID (e.g. 7157)
  • gene symbol (e.g. TP53)
  • gene name (e.g. tumor protein p53)
  • gene synonyms (e.g. FLJ92943)
  • Ensembl ID (e.g. ENSG0000141510)
  • Accession No. (e.g. NM_000546)
  • 種名は、キーワードの後に ”キーワード[species:$species]” という形式で入力できます。ここで、$speciesは種の名称(ヒトやラットなど)、または分類群id (9606など)を入力します。

さらに検索するには こちらをクリック.

Schizosaccharomyces pombe (fission yeast)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
5117 gene
Gene Symbol Full Name Gene Type
SPAC1071.09c DNAJ domain protein, DNAJC9 family (predicted) protein-coding
mob1 Sid2-Mob1 kinase complex regulatory subunit Mob1 protein-coding
brx1 ribosome biogenesis protein brx1 protein-coding
SPBC83.17 transcriptional coactivator, multiprotein bridging factor Mbf1 (predicted) protein-coding
cut9 anaphase-promoting complex subunit Cut9 protein-coding
zpr1 EF-1 alpha binding zinc finger protein Zpr1 (predicted) protein-coding
tif225 translation initiation factor eIF2B epsilon subunit (predicted) protein-coding
cwf14 G10 protein protein-coding
ada1 adenosine deaminase Ada1 (predicted) protein-coding
ade10 IMP cyclohydrolase/phosphoribosylaminoimidazolecarboxamideformyltransferase protein-coding
SPBC13G1.09 bystin family U3 and U14 snoRNA associated protein (predicted) protein-coding
apm4 AP-2 adaptor complex subunit Apm4 (predicted) protein-coding
gpt2 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine--dolichyl-phosphate N-acetylglucosaminephosphotransferase protein-coding
SPBC3B8.05 diphthamide biosynthesis protein Dph1 (predicted) protein-coding
gtp1 GTP binding protein Gtp1 (predicted) protein-coding
ssl1 transcription factor TFIIH complex subunit Ssl1 protein-coding
SPCC553.01c meiotic chromosome segregation protein (predicted) protein-coding
SPCC1672.04c mitochondrial copper chaperone (predicted) protein-coding
pmp31 plasma membrane proteolipid Pmp31 protein-coding
nup61 nucleoporin Nup61 protein-coding
SPCC1020.11c ER membrane protein complex subunit 6 (predicted) protein-coding
SPCC24B10.15 RNA endoribonuclease involved in mRNP quality control (predicted) protein-coding
SPCC24B10.16c sequence orphan protein-coding
rec11 meiotic cohesin complex subunit Rec11 protein-coding
gep4 mitochondrial matrix PGP phosphatase involved in cardiolipin biosynthesis Gep4 (predicted) protein-coding
ctp1 CtIP-related endonuclease protein-coding
jmj4 Jmj4 protein (predicted) protein-coding
wtf14 wtf element Wtf14 protein-coding
adn3 transcription factor (predicted) protein-coding
SPCC4G3.16 bifunctional CMP deaminase family methyltransferase/riboflavin-specific deaminase protein-coding
gyp3 GTPase activating protein Gyp3 (predicted) protein-coding
SPCC320.03 transcription factor (predicted) protein-coding
pex1 AAA family ATPase Pex1 (predicted) protein-coding
pof3 F-box protein Pof3 protein-coding
brl2 ubiquitin-protein ligase E3 Brl2 protein-coding
bit61 TORC2 subunit Bit61 protein-coding
SPCC16C4.04 sequence orphan protein-coding
SPCC1906.02c CUE domain protein Cue3 (predicted) protein-coding
wtf20 wtf element Wtf20 protein-coding
mug24 RNA-binding protein, rrm type protein-coding
meu23 cell surface glycoprotein (predicted), DUF1773 family protein 2 protein-coding
pet127 mitochondrial RNA metabolism pathway protein Pet127 protein-coding
fta7 kinetochore protein fta7 protein-coding
mhf2 FANCM-MHF complex subunit Mhf2 protein-coding
mug111 sequence orphan protein-coding
mog1 Ran GTPase binding protein Mog1 protein-coding
SPCC1442.05c mitochondrial protein protein-coding
ist1 MVB sorting pathway protein (predicted) protein-coding
SPCC622.03c hypothetical protein protein-coding
cut1 separase/separin protein-coding
git3 G-protein coupled receptor Git3 protein-coding
rsm1 RNA export factor Rsm1 protein-coding
SPCC1322.03 TRP-like ion channel (predicted) protein-coding
SPCC1322.10 cell wall protein Pwp1 protein-coding
tam14 conserved fungal protein protein-coding
SPCC1235.17 dubious protein-coding
SPCC1235.18 dubious protein-coding
SPCC1672.14 sequence orphan protein-coding
SPCPB16A4.07 sequence orphan protein-coding
spn6 septin Spn6 (predicted) protein-coding
spt2 non-specific DNA binding protein Spt2 (predicted) protein-coding
fta4 Sim4 and Mal2 associated (4 and 2 associated) protein 4 protein-coding
mug4 sequence orphan protein-coding
SPCC645.13 transcription elongation regulator (predicted) protein-coding
mok14 alpha-1,4-glucan synthase Mok14 protein-coding
SPCC16A11.01 plasma membrane protein involved in inositol lipid-mediated signaling (predicted) protein-coding
SPCC1450.03 ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex (predicted) protein-coding
ste6 guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor Ste6 protein-coding
SPCC191.04c sequence orphan protein-coding
SPCC191.05c nucleoside 2-deoxyribosyltransferase (predicted) protein-coding
SPCC191.08 DUF1715 family protein protein-coding
ccq1 telomere maintenance protein Ccq1 protein-coding
SPCC569.01c cell surface glycoprotein (predicted), DUF1773 family protein 5 protein-coding
SPCC16A11.03c DUF2009 protein protein-coding
cwf18 complexed with Cdc5 protein Cwf18 protein-coding
SPCC4F11.03c sequence orphan protein-coding
nro1 nuclear pore complex associated protein protein-coding
SPCC4B3.11c mitochondrial conserved eukaryotic protein protein-coding
set9 histone lysine methyltransferase Set9 protein-coding
cwf20 complexed with Cdc5 protein Cwf20 protein-coding
mft1 THO complex subunit 7 Mft1 (predicted) protein-coding
SPCC188.05 dubious protein-coding
SPCC417.15 dubious protein-coding
wtf25 wtf element protein-coding
nse1 Smc5-6 complex non-SMC subunit 1 protein-coding
eaf1 RNA polymerase II transcription elongation factor SpEAF protein-coding
SPCC548.05c ubiquitin-protein ligase E3 (predicted) protein-coding
SPBC660.08 sequence orphan protein-coding
mug184 protein mug184 protein-coding
SPBC1709.03 conserved fungal protein protein-coding
SPBC4.02c conserved fungal protein protein-coding
mug166 sequence orphan protein-coding
wsc1 transmembrane receptor Wsc1 (predicted) protein-coding
SPBC27B12.02 sequence orphan protein-coding
SPBC83.06c mitochondrial ribosomal protein subunit L36, Rtc6 (predicted) protein-coding
SPBC18E5.13 mitochondrial translation initiation factor (predicted) protein-coding
mug20 sequence orphan protein-coding
SPBC15D4.02 transcription factor, zf-fungal binuclear cluster type (predicted) protein-coding
SPBC15D4.13c human ASCC1 ortholog (predicted) protein-coding
ppk21 serine/threonine protein kinase Ppk21 protein-coding
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