安定細胞株製品 » Human Recombinant BDCA2 and FcER1G Stable Cell Line

CHO-K1/BDCA2 and FcER1G Stable Cell Line

Recombinant CHO-K1 cells stably overexpress human C-type lectin domain family 4 member C (BDCA2) and Fc epsilon receptor Ig (FcER1G) on the surface. The surface expression of BDCA2 is validated by FACS analysis.

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Product Description Recombinant CHO-K1 cells stably overexpress human C-type lectin domain family 4 member C (BDCA2) and Fc epsilon receptor Ig (FcER1G) on the surface. The surface expression of BDCA2 is validated by FACS analysis.
Applications Binding assay or use as immunogen

Product Introduction
Expressed Gene NCBI reference sequence NM_130441.1 and NM_004106.1; no expressed tags
Target Protein NP_569708.1 and NP_004097.1
Host Cell CHO-K1
Size Two vials of frozen cells (>1×106 per vial in 1 mL)
Storage Store cells in liquid nitrogen immediately upon receipt. Thaw and recover cells within one year from the date received.
Mycoplasma Status Negative. The mycoplasma test was performed with MycoAlert™ PLUS Mycoplasma Detection Kit (Cat. No. LT07-318, Lonza).
Stability Stable through more than 16 passages without significant changes in assay performance or expression profile.

Culture Conditions
Culture Properties Adherent
Freeze Medium 95% complete growth medium, 5% (V/V) DMSO (Cat. No. D2650, Sigma)
Complete Growth Medium Ham’s F-12K (Kaighn’s) (Cat. No. 21127-022, Life Technologies), 10% FBS (Cat. No. 10099-141, Life Technologies)
Culture Medium Ham’s F-12K (Kaighn’s), 10% FBS, 8 μg/ml Puromycin (Cat. No. A11138-03, Life Technologies)

Gene Synonyms CLEC4C; DLEC; HECL; CD303; BDCA-2; CLECSF7; CLECSF11; PRO34150 (for BDCA2); FCRG (for FcER1G)
Background BDCA-2 is a novel type II C-type lectin, which shows 50.7% sequence identity at the amino acid level to its putative murine ortholog, the murine dendritic cell–associated C-type lectin 2. In addition to its Ag-capturing function, BDCA-2 can mediate potent inhibition of induction of IFN-α/β expression in PDCs. Production of IFN-α/β in response to several different types of viruses, bacteria, CpG-DNA, dsRNA, and SLE serum is by far the most prominent feature of PDCs.

For research use only. Not intended for human or animal clinical trials, therapeutic or diagnostic use.