ORF cDNAクローンを検索してください



  • Entrez Gene ID (e.g. 7157)
  • gene symbol (e.g. TP53)
  • gene name (e.g. tumor protein p53)
  • gene synonyms (e.g. FLJ92943)
  • Ensembl ID (e.g. ENSG0000141510)
  • Accession No. (e.g. NM_000546)
  • 種名は、キーワードの後に ”キーワード[species:$species]” という形式で入力できます。ここで、$speciesは種の名称(ヒトやラットなど)、または分類群id (9606など)を入力します。

さらに検索するには こちらをクリック.

Xenopus tropicalis (tropical clawed frog)

TRAF6 mediated induction of NFkB and MAP kinases upon TLR7/8 or 9 activation Toll Like Receptor TLR1:TLR2 Cascade
Toll Like Receptor TLR6:TLR2 Cascade Nucleotide-binding domain, leucine rich repeat containing receptor (NLR) signaling pathways
NOD1/2 Signaling Pathway The NLRP3 inflammasome
DEx/H-box helicases activate type I IFN and inflammatory cytokines production Regulation of actin dynamics for phagocytic cup formation
Role of phospholipids in phagocytosis DAP12 signaling
CLEC7A (Dectin-1) signaling Cytokine Signaling in Immune system
Interferon Signaling Interferon alpha/beta signaling
IL-6-type cytokine receptor ligand interactions Interleukin-7 signaling
ROS, RNS production in phagocytes Vesicle-mediated transport
Intra-Golgi and retrograde Golgi-to-ER traffic Golgi-to-ER retrograde transport
Microtubule-dependent trafficking of connexons from Golgi to the plasma membrane Scavenging of heme from plasma
Scavenging by Class A Receptors Nectin/Necl trans heterodimerization
Tight junction interactions Nitric oxide stimulates guanylate cyclase
Platelet activation, signaling and aggregation GPVI-mediated activation cascade
Adrenaline signalling through Alpha-2 adrenergic receptor Basigin interactions
Base Excision Repair Cleavage of the damaged pyrimidine
Abasic sugar-phosphate removal via the single-nucleotide replacement pathway Resolution of AP sites via the multiple-nucleotide patch replacement pathway
PCNA-Dependent Long Patch Base Excision Repair Recognition of DNA damage by PCNA-containing replication complex
Homology Directed Repair Presynaptic phase of homologous DNA pairing and strand exchange
Resolution of D-loop Structures through Holliday Junction Intermediates Nonhomologous End-Joining (NHEJ)
Gap-filling DNA repair synthesis and ligation in GG-NER Formation of TC-NER Pre-Incision Complex
Gap-filling DNA repair synthesis and ligation in TC-NER Glycolysis
Lysosomal glycogen catabolism Fructose biosynthesis
Fructose catabolism MET Receptor Activation
MET promotes cell motility MET interacts with TNS proteins
PI5P Regulates TP53 Acetylation Synthesis of active ubiquitin: roles of E1 and E2 enzymes
Organic anion transport Regulation of TLR by endogenous ligand
CaMK IV-mediated phosphorylation of CREB CLEC7A (Dectin-1) induces NFAT activation
Transcriptional regulation by the AP-2 (TFAP2) family of transcription factors TFAP2 (AP-2) family regulates transcription of growth factors and their receptors
FGFR2 alternative splicing Cargo recognition for clathrin-mediated endocytosis
Protein-protein interactions at synapses Josephin domain DUBs
Dectin-2 family Interleukin-4 and 13 signaling
HDMs demethylate histones RMTs methylate histone arginines
Cellular responses to stress Oxygen-dependent asparagine hydroxylation of Hypoxia-inducible Factor Alpha
Cellular Senescence Macroautophagy
Generic Transcription Pathway YAP1- and WWTR1 (TAZ)-stimulated gene expression
SMAD2/SMAD3:SMAD4 heterotrimer regulates transcription TP53 Regulates Transcription of Genes Involved in Cytochrome C Release
TP53 Regulates Transcription of DNA Repair Genes Regulation of TP53 Expression and Degradation
RNA Polymerase I Promoter Clearance RNA Polymerase I Promoter Escape
RNA Polymerase I Chain Elongation RNA Polymerase III Transcription
RNA Polymerase III Transcription Initiation RNA Polymerase III Transcription Initiation From Type 1 Promoter
RNA Pol II CTD phosphorylation and interaction with CE RNA Polymerase II Transcription Termination
mRNA Splicing - Minor Pathway SLBP Dependent Processing of Replication-Dependent Histone Pre-mRNAs
Processing of Intronless Pre-mRNAs Mitochondrial tRNA aminoacylation
mRNA decay by 3' to 5' exoribonuclease mRNA decay by 5' to 3' exoribonuclease
Small interfering RNA (siRNA) biogenesis Regulation of mRNA stability by proteins that bind AU-rich elements
Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex Recycling of eIF2:GDP
Eukaryotic Translation Elongation Metabolism of non-coding RNA
Epigenetic regulation of gene expression PRC2 methylates histones and DNA
Negative epigenetic regulation of rRNA expression Syndecan interactions
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